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Available Paintings
"Pastel Bouquet" Original pastel drawing, framed under glass, 79 x 64 cm $350
"Pastel Bouquet" Original pastel drawing, framed under glass, 79 x 64 cm $350
SALE ITEM: "who knows you" original bodyform painting, varnished and ready to hang. Was $250 now $200
SALE ITEM: "who knows you" original bodyform painting, varnished and ready to hang. Was $250 now $200
Title: Bower bird, love story part 1 Size:78cm x 95 cm Price: $650 Original Acrylic with oil, stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Rainbow blossoms series Size:60cm x 120cm Price: $580 Original Acrylic Oil painting stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Blossoms of Summer Size: 100cm x 80cm Price: $550 Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Gum Blossoms and Lorikeet Size: 80cm x 100cm Price: 4580 Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Mirror, Lily and a blue budgie Size: 60cm x 120cm Price: $580 Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Bliss- mandala series winter Size: 90cm x 90cm Price: $800 Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Tropical loveland Size: 91cm x 61cm Price: $550 Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Shades of Light Size: 68cm x 68cm Price: $380 Original Oil on stretched frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
Title: Size: Price: Original Acrylic stretched on frame, varnished and ready to hang.
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Available Paintings